Lead the charge.

The all new Vitalograph Morgan CPET – VitaloXRT system allows for the complete medical functional analysis of the lungs, heart, and metabolism at rest and under stress. The VitaloXRT portable spiroergometric system with breath-by-breath technology and 12-lead ECG provides accuracy for determination of metabolic response, suitable for adults and children; athletes and patients alike.

Never stand still with the innovation of ComPAS2

The VitaloXRT and ComPAS2 combine ease of use with accuracy for the latest in CPET testing.

Morgan Scientific is a firm believer in flexibility and customizations and VitaloXRT emphasizes this further with options to choose your ergometer or treadmill. Customize your protocols for flexible adjustment of exercise intensity, duration, and parameters to accommodate different patient populations and testing objectives.

The VitaloXRT combined with ComPAS2 and Task Manager offers the best in interoperability and data integration with optional seamless integration with your EMR and other existing IT platforms to enhance workflow efficiency. ComPAS2 offers:

  • Instant test feedback for acceptability and reproducibility to the latest standards.
  • Instant report generation.
  • Unique remote interpretation design.
  • Highly configurable workflows.
  • Customizable testing dashboards and reports.
  • Unsurpassed EMR integration
  • End to end encryption for data storage and transit.
  • Real time billing tools with advanced reporting.

Product Specifications and Reporting

  • Predicted Normal Protocols: User configurable equations.
  • Interfacing: HL7 Orders/Results/Billing and PDF
  • Remote Interpretation: When tests are completed, results can be routed to any network/internet connected station for physician interpretation.
  • Remote Support: ComPAS QuickSupport with TeamViewer or other remote access solutions.
  • Direct interface, reporting, and trending in ComPAS and ComPAS2.
  • Breath-by-breath exercise testing
  • Wireless 12-lead ECG
  • Spirometry
  • Pulse oximetry
  • Cycle or treadmill
  • SpO2 module
  • Built-in automatic blood pressure measurement.

Brilliant library of report options including:

  • Logo and header design
  • Manual entry information
  • Numerous test graphics
  • Summary of all efforts
  • Overlay of graphics
  • Past test result history and graphing
  • Computer impressions
  • Capture digital signature
  • Administrative reports, QA reports, and research query reports

The Smartest distance between two points.

The VitaloXRT offers a range of features designed to provide accurate measurements, comprehensive data analysis, and a user-friendly experience, including:

  • Gas exchange measurement of oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), and minute ventilation (VE) with breath-by-breath technology.
    Ergospirometry capability combines CPET with simultaneous measurement of workload (via ergometer or treadmill) for more comprehensive evaluation of exercise capacity and efficiency.
  • High quality ECG monitoring with real-time display and analysis of ECG signals.
  • Integrated blood pressure monitoring for continuous measurement of blood pressure during exercise.
  • Integrated pulse oximetry to monitor oxygen saturation (SpO2) levels throughout the test.
  • Patient comfort and safety features built in to ensure positive testing experience and minimize the risk of injury.

Financial Benefit and Billing Codes

Indication for submaximal exercise testing are broad and there are no fixed limitations on testing frequency.

CPT Code: 94621 Cardiopulmonary exercise testing, including measurements of minute ventilation, CO2 production, O2 uptake, and electrocardiographic recordings.

  • CMS $160
  • APC $208

Please verify reimbursement rates with your carrier.

Tests/Day Monthly Revenue 1 Year 5 Years 10 Years Breakeven
2 $6,400.00 $76,800.00 $384,000.00 $768,000.00 4 months
4 $12,800.00 $153,600.00 $768,000.00 $1,536,000.00 2 months
6 $19,200.00 $230,400.00 $1,152,000.00 $2,304,000.00 1.3 months

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