Spirometry and RMS in one portable package.

It’s never been easier to measure spirometry and RMS (respiratory muscle strength) (RMS) together from anywhere with the new Pneumotrac spirometer with RMS.

Adding the RMS capability provides a non-invasive and simple approach to mouth and nasal pressue for both adults and pediatric patients.

Don’t need RMS? Click here to see the Pneumotrac without RMS.

Spirometery with RMS and ComPAS2

ComPAS2 is where PFT power meets efficiency with robust testing, reporting, and connectivity.

Product Features

Portable, lightweight, plug-and-play, USB-connected PC based testing solution
Suitable for testing the smallest and the sickest adults and children due to the extremely reliable Fleisch flow technology for accuracy even at the lowest flow rates.
Low cost per test with eco filter option
Compliant to all of the latest ATS/ERS guidelines for spirometry, reporting, and interpretation
Complete support for Global Lung Initiative (GLI) predicted equations for spirometry
Brilliant incentive graphics to inspire maximum patient effort
Customizable testing dashboards with graphs, test parameters, and quality indicators
Low breathing resistance and friendly ergonomics means a better patient experience
Built in temperature sensor to ensure accurate results
Convenient deployment via Windows Remote Desktop allows for testing from any connected workstation
Superior resolution of 1 cmH20 for MIP, MEP, and SNIP testing.
Download Info Sheet

This is only the tip of the iceberg! Spirometry with RMS is powered by ComPAS2 – a quantum leap in pulmonary function testing.

Testing Capabilities

Forced Vital Capacity

The forced vital capacity (FVC) measurement is the most common spirometry test. It shows the amount of air a person can forcefully and quickly exhale after taking a deep breath.

Slow Vital Capacity

Slow Vital Capacity (SVC) measures various lung capacities and volume segments, such as vital capacity, inspiratory capacity, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume.

Bronchial Challenge

Bronchial challenge tests use chemical agents (such as Methacholine or Aridol), exercise, cold air, or body position (such as supine versus sitting) to measure bronchospasm response.

Cough Peak Flow

Cough Peak Flow (CPF) measures the peak expiratory flow during a forced cough, usually after a deep breath.

Maximum Voluntary Ventilation

Maximum Voluntary Ventilation (MVV) measures the total air a patient can maximally breathe in a minute (also called the Minute Ventilation).

Respiratory Pressures

Respiratory pressure tests measure the maximum inspiratory (MIP) and expiratory (MEP) pressures the patient is capable of generating against a closed shutter.

Nasal Inspiratory Pressures

Sniff Nasal Inspiratory Pressure (SNIP) is an alternative way to measure inspiratory muscle strength.

And that is not all! With ComPAS2, the Vitalograph Morgan PFT system can also be used to manage more test types, including predicted normals, interpretation workflow, and EMR integration…

  • Enter six minute walk and oxygen titration data, report the results with predicted normals and computer impressions
  • Enter exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) data and report the results with predicted normals and computer impressions
  • Integrate your spirometry data into a comprehensive interpretation and EMR workflow with Task Manager.

Product Specifications and Reporting

  • Model number: VIT-77977
  • Size (H x W x D): 4.5 x 3.75 x 6.3 inches
  • Weight: 1.3 pounds
  • Operating temperature range: 63 – 99˚ F
  • Power supply: 5V via USB port
  • Flow detection principle: Fleisch type pneumotachograph
  • Volume detection: Flow integration @ 100Hz
  • Accuracy: Volumes, better than ±2.5%;
    Flows, better than ±5% (max 16 L/s and min 0.02 L/s)
    Pressures, better than ±3% with 0.1 cmH2O resolution
    Linearity: ±1% in range 0.1 L/s to 16 L/s
  • Pressure Measurement Range: ± 300 cmH2O
  • Performance standards: ATS/ERS 2017/2019 and EN ISO 23747:2009
  • Safety standards: IEC 60601-1:2005
  • Medical safety standard: Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC
  • Designed and manufactured by Vitalograph
    Certificate # 700480: MDSAP ISO 13485:2016

No other pulmonary function testing software boasts the variety and flexibility of ComPAS2 reporting. We produce reports you can be proud of. ComPAS2 allows you to create customized reports ideal for any specific situation you can think of. There are no limits other than your imagination.

Here are a few of the available customizations:

  • Logo and header design
  • Parameter order and units
  • Manual entry information
  • Numerous individual test graphics
  • Summary of all efforts (data and graphics)
  • Overlay of graphics
  • Past test result history
  • Serial data graphing including ability to track %Predicted changes
  • Combinations of PFT, Six Minute Walk and CPET data
  • Bronchial Challenge
  • Computer impression

ComPAS2 Smart Reports

After testing, ComPAS2 Smart Report evaluates the type of test and automatically presents the appropriate report. It can distinguish between screening spirometry, clinical trial participants, 6-minute walk, bronchial challenge and more, saving you time and preventing you from having to select a report type manually.

Automated combination predicted sets select appropriate equations based on patient by test type, demographics, and patient information.

Standard Predicted Sets: GLI, ATS/ERS, NHANES III, Polgar, Knudson, Crapo and Morris, HSU, Wang and Dockery, and many more. Custom predicted sets also available.

Financial Benefits and Billing Codes

At Morgan we strongly believe that you get what you pay for, which is why we don’t sell our software, we license it. For the cost of testing a few patients per year the ComPAS2 Software License guarantees that you will always have the most up to date software, customized reports and predicted sets, telephone and remote desktop support, and a partner that will listen to you. With a ComPAS2 Software License, Morgan Customers paid $0.00 for ComPAS2 Windows 10 support, ICD-10 capabilities, report & predicted set changes for clinical trials, and much more! How much did you pay?

Reimbursement Calculator

Use the input boxes in the form below to enter the patient and test volumes for the appropriate test types to estimate the reimbursements.

Note: this calculator is for informational purposes only. Verify rates and rules with your carrier.

Reimbursement Code

Weekly Test Volume

Annual Reimbursement

CPT 94010 – $36.04
Spirometry (Pre-bronchodilator only)


CPT 94060 – $60.55
Bronchodilator Responsiveness tests (Pre & Post Bronchodilator)


CPT 94070 – $60.91
Bronchospasm Provocation Evaluation (Methacholine/Agent Challenge)


Total Annual Spirometry Reimbursement


What our customers are saying

West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
Maple Landvoigt, MD
Over the last one year I have been using the Pneumotrac hand held spirometer with ComPAS software as part of a large clinical research project studying early school-aged children. I have been extremely impressed with the performance of this set up and recently purchased a second system for clinical use in my community-based outreach work. As an academic Pediatric Pulmonologist, repeatable high quality spirometry results are critical to my work and the Morgan system has been exceptional in allowing me to obtain the data I need. The ComPAS software has excelled in providing the testing details needed for quality assurance in real-time for individual studies as well as retrospectively to assess overall lab performance. The simplicity of the software interface, real-time feedback to the technicians, and exceptional incentive graphics have improved the quality of our studies while also decreasing the amount of my time spent in direct supervision of the staff. Using this system I have been able to successfully obtain routine high quality spirometry in early school-aged children for high throughput clinical research protocols as well as clinically relevant results in children as young as 3 years old for diagnostics. Above all, however, the customer service and technical support I have received from the Morgan team has been outstanding!
Big Sandy Health Care
Lesley Dotson, MD, Chief Medical Officer
I am the Chief Medical Officer for an organization that operates community health centers in an area heavy with lung disease. Our team chose and implemented Pneumotrac Spirometers and ComPAS software at each of our five clinic sites in an effort to better care for these patients. The Pneumotrac Spirometers are extremely easy for my staff to use and the ComPAS incentive graphics are helpful for patients of all ages. The data is accurate and flows directly into our EMR visit note. No need to print, scan and sign off reports, which our providers and staff love. The reports are also customizable to our liking. Support from Morgan Scientific has been outstanding. From the time of implementation in 2017, the support staff has been accessible, responsive, and attentive to our particular needs.

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